Thursday, May 31, 2012

Biology Final Exam Review Materials

Just a reminder that the final exam for biology will be Wednesday June 6 during your normally scheduled block. The exam has approximately 90 multiple choice questions on it and covers only material from after the midterm exam (except for a few broad topics as shown on the exam review sheet).

The review sheet and some other study materials are available on our class wiki. You can also find all of the notes PowerPoint's from class on the wiki.

Additionally, I put together a study set of the vocab terms that will be on the exam. The flashcards themselves are found below, but you can complete other activities with these terms by visiting the following link:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Midterm Exam Review

Go to wiki to find a copy of the midterm review answer key. Its in the biology files link. Good luck on the exam tomorrow (Friday)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today's lesson is going to involve you working on a series of tasks that will all originate from this blog. For each activity, you will be given instructions, complete a task, and then publish your final product online. I will not be addressing the class as a group, but feel free to individually ask me questions as you are working your way through today's class. You are welcome to ask your classmates for assistance with HOW to complete the task, but all work is to be completed on an individual basis. All of this should should be completed by the end of the block, so please use your time wisely and use the time estimates to help guide your usage of time. Today's work is worth 15 points, with a bonus 5 points available. Good luck.

Today's activities:

1. Good things: Please click the following link and type in a good thing that has happened in your life recently. Please include your name with your good thing. If the Google doc is running slow, come back to this after a few minutes. Also, feel free to positively comment on other classmates good things. Estimated time to complete activity = 5 minutes. (2 pts.)

2. Complete the following tutorials and take notes on the material they cover. You will need these notes for the next activity:

There is sound that goes with this, but it is not required. Make sure you let each clip go to completion otherwise you will miss some things. If you have headphones, plug them in and listen to the tutorial. All of the content on this site is required knowledge for our next quiz.

Read each section and then complete the 6 question test. This contains much more specific information and will not be on the next quiz. Estimated time to complete the two tutorials - 15 minutes
3. Create a double bubble map that compares eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells:
Next you will create a double bubble map that compares/contrasts prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells using a website called Popplet or Gliffy . You may use your notes and Internet research to construct your thinking map. You should have at least four similarities and six differences in your map for minimal credit (more are needed to earn the "A") Estimated time to complete activity = 30 minutes. (10 pts.)

To start, go to or and create an account (if you do not already have one) by clicking the Create Account button in the upper right hand corner. You are then welcome to explore or if you prefer more guidance you can watch the video on popplet below on how to get started.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

When finished with your popplet double bubble map, you will need to click the SHARE button and click on either the facebook, twitter, embed or link buttons (they all give you the same thing) and copy the link url. You will then paste the url into the following google doc: Google doc for sharing Popplets. You are welcome to check out what other people came up with.

4. Continue to play with either the online set of flash cards or your 5 * vocab cards. Remember, the top three scores on each of the games will earn extra credit on the next quiz (max. 5 e.c. points). The link to the cards can be found here:

5. Reflect upon today's class by clicking the following link: Link to reflection Google doc. (approx. 3 min and worth 3 points)

6. Launch: Check out the poster below.
Hopefully you can find the link to biology class in this :) Have a good day. If you get done early, click some of the urls in the Google Doc and either provide feedback to the individual who completed it, or play with their flashcards. Have a good day.

Have a good day.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Activity

Go to this link...create a username and password...complete the learn mode. Once finished, you may try the other activities and games with this.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Landry's Cell Poster on Glogster

Just thought I'd share my cell glog with everyone. You will have the opportunity to make on of your own soon if you choose. More details to come.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Quiz Wednesday on Macromolecules including enzymes

Just remembered I haven't posted in a while so just a reminder that the quiz over macromolecules and enzymes is scheduled for Wednesday. All study materials including study guides, the notes from class, etc. are available on the wiki. Additionally, I will providing access to two online textbooks shortly and will send log in information home for everyone. In the meantime, if you would like to have a textbook to keep at home as a reference, please see Mrs. Bradford in the media center and she will sign one out for you for the semester.

Our next topic will be cells and cell transport and it will begin on Wednesday after the quiz. Good stuff!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lesson Plan for Wed. Feb. 8

Hey everyone. Should be my last day home - Amber seems to be getting better. Here's the plan for today:

1. Please turn in anything from the past few days before your leave. We will do some review tomorrow for your first quiz on Friday that will cover scientific inquiry, identifing variables, and experimental design.

2. Watch this awesome video on the characteristics of living things made by sfgregs who teaches biology at another school. He has his own channel on YouTube that has other great biology videos (click here if the video doesn't work):

3. Watch and take notes on this not quite as awesome video of me going through the characteristics of living things (click here if video doesn't appear):

4. Work on the letter to Egor assignment.

Have a good day. I'll see you tomorrow when you get back from the KCTC trip.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Great start to the semester

Great First Week!

Thank you everyone for a great start to the semester. You guys all did a great job with the Styrofoam peanut lab and we will continue to focus on lab based studies next week.

Here's the schedule for the week of Feb 2 - Feb 6 (First quiz is Friday, February 6):

Mon. Midterm pretest / glowstick lab analysis & conclusions / sponge bob IV/DV/controls work (all due Tuesday)
Tue. More practice with IV/DV/control groups & glowstick lab results discussion
Wed. Introduction to microscopes & unit one review sheet assigned (due Th)
Thu. Microscope lab & quiz prep (KCTC visit for all sophomores)
Fri. Quiz #1 & finish microscope lab & exploration day

Also, there are two extra credit opportunities out there that are available all semester long:
1. Bring in two boxes of Kleenex OR one container of Clorox wipes (free homework pass)
2. Read a biology related book (see me for approval PRIOR to reading) and write a book report about the book (based upon quality of report, I will drop either lowest homework score(s) or lowest quiz/lab grade for the semester). Please see me if you have further questions.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through email at

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Final Exam Prep

Exam is Wednesday, January 25 during 3rd block. Here are several helpful resources:

1. Quizlet flashcards: Biology Final Exam Flashcards

  • Print the flashcards as a helpful study tool.
  • Complete online modes
  • There are some words from prior semesters that are not on this semester's exam
2. Check the wiki for helpful documents:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lesson Plan for Wednesday January 11, 2012

Today's lesson is going to involve you working on a series of tasks that will all originate from this blog. For each activity, you will be given instructions, complete a task, and then publish your final product online. I will not be addressing the class as a group, but feel free to individually ask me questions as you are working your way through today's class. You are welcome to ask your classmates for assistance with HOW to complete the task, but all work is to be completed on an individual basis. All of this should should be completed by the end of the block, so please use your time wisely and use the time estimates to help guide your usage of time. Today's work is worth a total of 25 points, with a bonus 5 points available. Good luck.

Today's activities:

1. Good things: Please click the following link and type in a good thing that has happened in your life recently. Please include your name with your good thing. If the Google doc is running slow, come back to this after a few minutes. Estimated time to complete activity = 5 minutes. (2 pts.)

2. Create a double bubble map that compares mitosis and meiosis:
Next you will create a double bubble map that compares/contrasts mitosis and meiosis using a website called Popplet . You may use your notes, daily opener from yesterday, and Internet research to construct your thinking map. You should have at least four similarities and six differences in your map for minimal credit (more are needed to earn the "A") Estimated time to complete activity = 30 minutes. (10 pts.)

To start, go to and create an account (if you do not already have one) by clicking the Create Account button in the upper right hand corner. You are then welcome to explore or if you prefer more guidance you can watch the video below on how to get started.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

When finished with your popplet double bubble map, you will need to click the SHARE button and click on either the facebook, twitter, embed or link buttons (they all give you the same thing) and copy the link url. You will then paste the url into the following google doc: Google doc for sharing Popplets. You are welcome to check out what other people came up with.

3. Create a set of online flash cards for mitosis, meiosis and mutations:
Next you will create a set of online flash cards for the topics mitosis, meiosis, and mutations using Once again, you may need to create a user account in order to be able to complete this activity. You can try to login through Facebook, but if that doesn't work then setup a separate account. Estimated time to complete activity = 40 minutes. (13 pts.)

Once again, if you feel comfortable figuring out the website on your own, you are welcome to do so. If you are looking for more guidance, click the link for the video below that will walk you through the process of using this website:
If prompted to login, see pic below for information:

The following are the terms for your flashcards:
Extra credit will be given for using pictures within your flashcards (max. 5 extra credit points).
Asexual reproduction 



genetic variation

crossing over

Frame-shift mutation







Homologous chromosome

Once your flashcards are completed, please save your url in the Google doc in the flashcard column near your name. I will be posting these urls to the blog throughout the week for people to use.

Complete the learning mode of your set of cards at least once. Then play at least one of the games for your cards.

4. Launch: Check out the poster below.
Hopefully you can find the link to biology class in this :) Have a good day. If you get done early, click some of the urls in the Google Doc and either provide feedback to the individual who completed it, or play with their flashcards. Have a good day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sweet Study Tool for All Classes


Check out this site and you can create your own flashcards and then do different things with them to help you learn vocabulary more effectively, including playing games with them where you race against the clock and try to win the game faster than anyone else. It even maintains a leader's board for your games. You can create an account and save your cards for use later as well. If you don't have internet access at home, you can make the cards and then print them out. Check out the flashcards I setup for our DNA & protein synthesis unit:

You can find a preview of the site below:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.